50 Question Theory Test 04 6 votes, 5 avg Theory Test 04 1 / 50 Which sign means there may be people walking along the road?(mark ONE answer) A B C D 2 / 50 You notice horse riders in front. What should you do first?(mark ONE answer) Pull out to the middle of the road Slow down and be ready to stop Accelerate around them Signal right 3 / 50 What action would you take when elderly people are crossing the road?(mark ONE answer) Wave them across so they know that you have seen them Be patient and allow them to cross in their own time Rev the engine to let them know that you are waiting Tap the horn in case they are hard of hearing 4 / 50 Why must you take extra care when turning right at this junction?(mark ONE answer) Road surface is poor Footpaths are narrow Road markings are faint There is reduced visibility 5 / 50 You arhave just been overtaken by this motorcyclist who is cutting in sharply. You should(mark ONE answer) Sound the horn Brake firmly Keep a safe distance Flash your headlights 6 / 50 Following this vehicle too closely is unwise because(mark ONE answer) Your brakes will overheat Your view ahead is increased Your engine will overheat Your view ahead is reduced 7 / 50 Why are these yellow lines painted across the road?(mark ONE answer) To help you choose the correct lane To help you keep the correct separation distance To make to aware of your speed To tell you the distance to the roundabout 8 / 50 You are approaching a pelican crossing. The amber light is flashing.You must (mark ONE answer) Give way to pedestrians who are crossing Encourage pedestrians to cross Not move until the green light appears Stop even if the crossing is clear 9 / 50 At a puffin crossing, which colour follows the green signal?(mark ONE answer) Steady red Flashing amber Steady amber Flashing green 10 / 50 When the traffic lights change to green the white car should(mark ONE answer) Wait for the cyclist to pull away Move off quickly and turn in front of the cyclist Move close up to the cyclist to beat the lights Sound the horn to warn the cyclist 11 / 50 Any load that is carried on a roof rack should be(mark ONE answer) Securely fastened when driving Loaded towards the rear of the vehicle Visible in your exterior mirror Covered with plastic sheeting 12 / 50 You are carrying a child in your car. They are under three years of age. Which of these is a suitable restraint?(mark ONE answer) A child seat An adult holding a child An adult seat belt An adult lap belt 13 / 50 A trailer must stay securely hitched up to the towing vehicle. What additional safety device can be fitted to the trailer braking system?(mark ONE answer) Stabiliser Jockey wheel Corner steadies Breakaway cable 14 / 50 You have too much oil in your engine. What could this cause?(mark ONE answer) Low oil pressure Engine overheating Chain wear Oil leaks 15 / 50 You are carrying a child using a rear-facing baby seat. You want to put it on the front passenger seat. What MUST you do before setting off?(mark ONE answer) Deactivate all front and rear airbags Make sure any front passenger airbag is deactivated Make sure all the child safety locks are off Recline the front passenger seat 16 / 50 Which of the following types of glasses should NOT be worn when driving at night?(mark ONE answer) Half-moon Round Bi-focal Tinted 17 / 50 When should you use hazard warning lights?(mark ONE answer) To park alongside another car when you are double-parked on a two way road When your direction indicators are not working When warning oncoming traffic that you intend to stop When your vehicle has broken down and is causing an obstruction 18 / 50 Where should you take particular care to look out for motorcyclists and cyclists?(mark ONE answer) On dual carriageways At junctions At zebra crossings On one-way streets 19 / 50 You are driving past parked cars. You notice a bicycle wheel sticking out between them. What should you do?(mark ONE answer) Accelerate past quickly and sound your horn Slow down and wave the cyclist across Slow down and be prepared to stop for a cyclist Brake sharply and flash your headlights 20 / 50 You are driving down a long steep hill. You suddenly notice that your brakes are not working as well as normal. What is the usual cause of this?(mark ONE answer) The brakes overheating Air in the brake fluid Oil on the brakes Badly adjusted 21 / 50 When MUST you use dipped headlights during the day?(mark ONE answer) All the time Along narrow streets In poor visibility When parking 22 / 50 Which vehicle may have to use a different course to normal at roundabouts?(mark ONE answer) Sports car Van Estate car Long vehicle 23 / 50 Where may you overtake on a one-way street?(mark ONE answer) Only on the left-hand side Overtaking is not allowed Only on the right-hand side Either on the right or the left 24 / 50 When going straight ahead at a roundabout you should(mark ONE answer) Indicate left before leaving the roundabout Not indicate at any time Indicate right when approaching the roundabout Indicate left when approaching the roundabout 25 / 50 Which sign means ''no through road''?(mark ONE answer) A B C D 26 / 50 Signals are normally given by direction indicators and(mark ONE answer) Brake lights Sidelights Fog lights Interior lights 27 / 50 To help keep your vehicle secure at night where should you park?(mark ONE answer) Near a police station In a quiet road On a red route In a well-lit area 28 / 50 You are parked in a busy high street. What is the safest way to turn your vehicle around so you can go the opposite way?(mark ONE answer) Find a quiet side road to turn around in Drive into a side road and reverse into the main road Get someone to stop the traffic Do a U-turn 29 / 50 You are signalling to turn right in busy traffic. How would you confirm your intention safely?(mark ONE answer) Sound the horn Give an arm signal Flash your headlights Position over the centre line 30 / 50 There is a police car following you. The police officer flashes the headlights and points to the left. What should you do?(mark ONE answer) Turn left at the next junction Pull up on the left Stop immediately Move over to the left 31 / 50 You are driving in busy traffic. You want to pull up on the left just after a junction on the left. When should you signal?(mark ONE answer) As you are passing or just after the junction Just before you reach the junction Well before you reach the junction It would be better not to signal at all 32 / 50 Why should you make sure your indicators are cancelled after turning?(mark ONE answer) To avoid flattening the battery To avoid misleading other road users To avoid damage to the indicator relay To avoid dazzling other road users 33 / 50 You are towing a small caravan on a dual carriageway.You must not exceed (mark ONE answer) 50 mph 40 mph 70 mph 60 mph 34 / 50 To drive on the road learners MUST(mark ONE answer) Have no penalty points on their licence Have taken professional instruction Have a signed, valid provisional licence Apply for a driving test within 12 months 35 / 50 A newly qualified driver must(mark ONE answer) Display green L-Plates Not exceed 40 mph for 12 months Be accompanied on a motorway Have valid motor insurance 36 / 50 Motor cars must first have an MOT certificate when they areYou must (mark ONE answer) One year old Three years old Five years old Seven years old 37 / 50 New drivers can take further training after passing the practical driving test. A Pass Plus course will help to(mark TWO answers) Improve your basic skills Widen your experience Increase your insurance premiums Get cheaper road tax 38 / 50 At an incident it is important to look after any casualties. When the area is safe you should(mark ONE answer) Get them out of the vehicle Give them a drink Give them something to eat Keep them in the vehicle 39 / 50 There has been a collision. A motorcyclist is lying injured and unconscious. Unless it is essentially why should you usually NOT attempt to remove their helmet?(mark ONE answer) Because they may not want you to This could result in more serious injury They will get too cold if you do this Because you could scratch the helmet 40 / 50 At an incident a casualty has stopped breathing. You should(mark TWO answers) Remove anything that is blocking the mouth Keep the head tilted forward as far as possible Raise the legs to help with circulation Try to give the casualty something to drink Tilt the head back gently to clear the airway 41 / 50 Your tyre bursts whilst you are driving. Which TWO things should you do?(mark TWO answers)", Pull on the handbrake Brake as quickly as possible Pull up slowly at the side of the road Hold the steering wheel firmly to keep control Continue on at a normal pace 42 / 50 You see a horse rider as you approach a roundabout. They are signalling right but keeping well to the left. You should(mark ONE answer) Proceed as normal Keep close to them Cut in front of them Stay well back 43 / 50 Your engine catches fire what should you do first?(mark ONE answer) Lift the bonnet and disconnect the battery Lift the bonnet and warn other traffic Call a breakdown service Call the fire brigade 44 / 50 Your vehicle has broken down on an automatic railway level crossing. What should you do FIRST?(mark ONE answer) Get everyone out of the vehicle and clear of the crossing Walk along the track to give warning to any approaching trains Try to push the vehicle clear of the crossing as soon as possible Telephone your vehicle recovery service to move it 45 / 50 You have a collision whilst your car is moving. What is the FIRST thing you must do?(mark ONE answer) Stop only if someone waves at you Call the emergency services Stop at the scene of the accident Call your insurance company 46 / 50 You are driving through a tunnel. There has been a collision and the car in front is on fire and blocking the road. What should you do?(mark ONE answer) Overtake and continue as quickly as you can Lock all the doors and windows Switch on the hazard warning lights Stop and then reverse out of the tunnel 47 / 50 Are passengers allowed to ride in a caravan that is being towed?(mark ONE answer) Yes, if they are over fourteen No, not at any time Only if all the seats in the towing vehicle are full Only if a stabiliser is fitted 48 / 50 You are following a long vehicle. It approachs a crossroads and signals left, but moves out to the right. You should(mark ONE answer) Get closer in order to pass it quickly Stay well back and give it room Assume the signal is wrong and it really is turning right Overtake as it starts to slow down 49 / 50 When may you wait in a box junction?(mark ONE answer) When you are stationary in a queue of traffic When approaching a pelican crossing When approaching a zebra crossing When oncoming traffic prevents you turning right 50 / 50 You see these markings on the road. Whay are they there?(mark One answer) To show a safe distance between vehicles To keep the area clear of traffic To make you aware of your speed To warn you to change direction Your score isThe average score is 85% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Send feedback Theory Test Home Theory Test 05