Theory Test 03

9 votes, 5 avg

Theory Test 03

1 / 50

While driving, this warning light on your dashboard comes on. It means

(mark ONE answer)

Brake warning light

2 / 50

A police officer asks to see your documents. You do not have them with you. You may be asked to take them to the police station with

(mark ONE answer)

3 / 50

You MUST obey signs giving orders. These signs are mostly in

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4 / 50

When may you reverse from a side-road into a main road?

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5 / 50

You must not reverse

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6 / 50

You may remove your seat belt when carrying out a manoeuvre that involves

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7 / 50

At a crossroads there are no signs or road markings. Two vehicles approach. Which has priority?

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8 / 50

You are travelling on a well-lit road at night in a built up area. By using dipped headlights you will be able to

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9 / 50

In which TWO places should you NOT park?

(mark TWO answers)

10 / 50

A basic rule when driving on motorways is

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11 / 50

You are travelling along the left-hand lane of a three-lane motorway. Traffic is joining from a slip road. You should

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12 / 50

You are allowed to stop on a motorway when you

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13 / 50

Using rear fog lights in clear daylight will

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14 / 50

The traffic sign shown means

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15 / 50

This road marking warns

(mark ONE answer)

Get in lane

16 / 50

You are travelling along this narrow country lane. When passing the cyclist you should go

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17 / 50

What does the solid white line at the side of the road indicate?

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18 / 50

Where would you expect to see these markers?

(mark ONE answer)

Theory test hazard markers

19 / 50

Diamond-shaped signs give instructions to

(mark ONE answer)

Theory Test Tam sign

20 / 50

Whilst driving, the fog clears and you can see more clearly. You must remember to

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21 / 50

You are travelling in heavy rain. Your overall stopping distance is likely to be

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22 / 50

You are driving on a road with several lanes. You see these signs above the lanes. What do they mean?

(mark ONE answer)

Theory Test Motorway lanes

23 / 50

You are driving in heavy traffic on a wet road. Spray makes it difficult to be seen. You should use your

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24 / 50

You keep well back while waiting to overtake a large vehicle. A car fills the gap. You should

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25 / 50

You are waiting to emerge from a minor road. A large vehicle is approaching from the right. You have time to turn, but you should wait. Why?

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26 / 50

A horse rider is in the left-hand lane approaching a roundabout. You should expect the rider to

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27 / 50

You are on a country road. What should you expect to see coming towards you on YOUR side of the road?

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28 / 50

Where would you see this sign?

(mark ONE answer)

Sign found on School Bus

29 / 50

How should you react to drivers who appear to be inexperienced?

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30 / 50

What action would you take when elderly people are crossing the road?

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31 / 50

You go to a social event and need to drive a short time afterwards. What precaution should you take?

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32 / 50

You are taking drugs that are likely to affect you driving. What should you do?

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33 / 50

You feel drowsy when driving. You should

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34 / 50

You have been convicted of driving whilst unfit through drink or drugs. You will find this is likely to cause the cost of one of the following to rise considerably. Which one?

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35 / 50

A casualty is not breathing normally. At what rate should chest compressions should be given?

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36 / 50

Following a collision someone has suffered a burn. The burn needs to be cooled. What is the shortest time it should be cooled for?

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37 / 50

A driver pulls out of a side road in front of you. You have to brake hard. You should

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38 / 50

You are driving along a wet road. How can you tell if your vehicle is aquaplaning?

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39 / 50

The roads are icy. You should drive slowly

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40 / 50

You are on a long, downhill slope. What should you do to help control the speed of your vehicle?

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41 / 50

You need to top up your battery. What level should you fill to?

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42 / 50

What is the legal minimum insurance cover you must have to drive on public roads?

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43 / 50

It is essential that tyre pressures be checked regularly. When should this be done?

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44 / 50

'Red Routes' in major cities have been introduced to

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45 / 50

You are approaching an unmarked crossroads. How should you deal with this type of junction?

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46 / 50

You should ONLY flash your headlights to other road users

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47 / 50

A flashing green beacon on a vehicle means

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48 / 50

When approaching this hazard why should you slow down?

(mark TWO answers)

Theory Test Hazard

49 / 50

On a road where trams operate, which of these vehicles will be most at risk from tram rails?

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50 / 50

How can driving in an Eco-safe manner help protect the environment?

(mark ONE answer)

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